var path; var textItem = new PointText({ content: 'Click and drag to draw a line.', point: new Point(20, 30), fillColor: 'black', }); function onMouseDown(event) { // If we produced a path before, deselect it: if (path) { path.selected = false; } // Create a new path and set its stroke color to black: path = new Path({ segments: [event.point], strokeColor: 'black', // Select the path, so we can see its segment points: fullySelected: true }); } // While the user drags the mouse, points are added to the path // at the position of the mouse: function onMouseDrag(event) { path.add(event.point); // Update the content of the text item to show how many // segments it has: textItem.content = 'Segment count: ' + path.segments.length; } // When the mouse is released, we simplify the path: function onMouseUp(event) { var segmentCount = path.segments.length; // When the mouse is released, simplify it: path.simplify(10); // Select the path, so we can see its segments: path.fullySelected = true; var newSegmentCount = path.segments.length; var difference = segmentCount - newSegmentCount; var percentage = 100 - Math.round(newSegmentCount / segmentCount * 100); textItem.content = difference + ' of the ' + segmentCount + ' segments were removed. Saving ' + percentage + '%'; }
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